I needed a little break from unpacking when Luke was sick. One of the days when he was sick at home (and in turn, I was as well), I made stenciled place mats. Many weeks ago, I bought place mats at Dollar Tree and a stencil, paints, and sponge brushes at Hobby Lobby. Sadly, I didn’t have time to make them until last week. I am super happy with how they turned out and thought I would share a tutorial with all of you.
Stencil from Hobby Lobby
Position the stencil in place
Use a sponge brush; put brush in paint, but dab off the excess
Blot the paint on the stencil while holding stencil in place
Position the stencil in the next spot
Continue to dab the brush into the paint and remove excess
Continue to reposition the stencil where you want it and paint
Finished product
4 finished place mats
Total cost for 4 place mats: $7.00 4 place mats @ Dollar Tree: $4.00 Stencil on sale @ Hobby Lobby: $1.50 Sponge Brush on sale @ Hobby Lobby: $.50 Paint: FREE (leftover)