This morning, I was on a mission to find a couple of furniture pieces for my friend, Sara. Her house is just down the road from my flooded house, but since it is farther from the river, she is not impacted by flood protection plans and they are rebuilding their house. Her husband has worked tirelessly remodeling their house and it is amazing! The plan is for them to move back home this week and I am so very happy for them. Their lovely family of 6 has been crammed into a tiny little house since last summer and it is time for them to go home.
Sara asked me if I could keep my eyes peeled for a round coffee table, some end tables, and whatever else I thought would work well in their house. I talked Ryan into going rummaging with Luke and I this morning (it is a feat to get Ryan out of bed on a Saturday morning) and we headed to the Surrey Citywide Rummage Sales. There were so many sales, but I kept my focus on only buying items for Sara since I have no room for anything extra.
To my surprise at about the 10th sale that we went to, I found the most perfect round coffee table. I never thought I would be able to find one, but as fate would have it, I found the prize! I forgot to take a picture of it, but will next time I am at her house. It is a pedestal table with casters in a dark brown and it is very pretty. I brought it to her house and it fit the space exactly as I had hoped it would. Very exciting! I forgot to add that this fantastic buy was also on $15.00!!
At the same sale, I found a cute little bench type chair that I couldn’t pass up. I contemplated keeping it for myself, but when I was at Sara’s house this afternoon I saw the spot that it needed to fill and so I decided it needed a new home. Because I am a little ADD and when I get excited about something I can’t wait to do it, I went to Hobby Lobby and found an adorable fabric for the bench and set to work recovering it. The previous owners had it decked out in a multi color floral fabric that was quite dated and it needed to be brought out of the 1990s and into 2012.

Sorry for the not so great pictures of it, but I was in such a hurry to show it to Sara that I just rushed to get it to her and didn’t take the time for quality shots. When I bring my camera to her house to take pics of the coffee table, I will also take a picture of the little bench/chair in its new spot right by Sara’s front door.
It is amazing what a little fabric can do for a $10.00 bench/chair (whatever it is) to update and bring it from out of date to up to date in a matter of minutes.